Teaching Space in Downtown Yangon
I am starting a new teaching studio space in downtown Yangon.
112 41st Street, Botataung, Yangon (1st Floor)
Inquire: studionwe@gmail.com
Teaching Space in Downtown Yangon
Forbes 30 Under 30: Art & Style 2019
IAC (International Academy of Ceramics)
Soe Yu Nwe, 2017 Artaxis Fellow, at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts
The 2017 Artaxis Fellowship
Ceramic artist snakes into Myanmar with debut show
Twenty for '20, Io Triumph!
11 Artists from the Jakarta Contemporary Ceramics Biennale 2016, Art Radar
Ceramic artist finds her place, Myanmar Times
Hands on: Prominent artist returns to Golden Land
Ceramics for the Self, RISD News